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From Amanda Powers
2,549 plays 0Let's face it, school sex ed leaves a lot to be desired. This lesson will be your chance to ask all the questions that you didn't dare ask in grade eight.… -
1,711 plays 0Learn how to use the two most common functions in Excel. You will also learn about an essential Excel concept--relative cell referencing. You will learn how to use…
1,435 plays 0Printing requirements for Excel assignments and exams at SaskPolytech include a results sheet and a formula sheet, complete with headers and footers to ensure that the…
1,298 plays 0
1,854 plays 0
From Marcy Ramage
1,801 plays 0The Oka Legacy is a POV documentary that explores how the Oka Crisis has transformed contemporary Indigenous identity in Canada. Through Mohawk filmmaker Sonia Bonspille…